Purifying Radioisotopes to Save Lives and our Planet
Award winning Molecular Recognition Technology™ (MRT™) is used worldwide in nuclear medicine, nuclear waste clean-up and other applications spanning the periodic table of the elements.
History: IBC Advanced Technologies, Inc.
RadSep, Inc. is a subsidiary of IBC Advanced Technologies, Inc., the global leader in highly selective separations. Founded in the U.S. in 1988, IBC has decades of experience designing, manufacturing and installing MRT™ products and systems for customers worldwide.
Expertise: Highly Selective Separations of Radionuclides
MRT™ is based on Nobel prize winning green chemistry and is distinguished by highly selective, high yield first pass recoveries. Over the years, IBC has received numerous commercial contracts for highly selective separations of radioisotopes from a wide range of feed sources.
In addition, IBC is the co-recipient of several prestigious awards, most notably the U.S. DOE Secretary’s Honor Award and the Council for Chemical Research, Collaboration Research Award, for the successful scale-up of an MRT™ radionuclide separation system for the highly selective extraction of cesium-137 from radioactive salt wastes at the U.S. DOE Savannah River Site. IBC has also won multiple awards for its co-development of Empore Rad Disks, which are widely used for environmental monitoring and radiochemical analysis of strontium-90 as well as radium-226 and radium-228. These include the R&D 100 Award and the Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer as well as recognition as a Top 40 R&D 100 Award Winner.
RadSep incorporates the breadth of IBC’s expertise to bring highly selective separations to the radiopharma industry.

Steven R. Izatt
President and CEO

Dr. Krzysztof E. Krakowiak
Director of Organic Synthesis

Bailey Mortensen
Technical Marketing Specialist

Dr. Robert G. G. Holmes
Advisory Board

John Carney
Advisory Board
RadSep’s expertise is illustrated by the wide range of commercial applications that use MRT™ for highly selective radioisotope separations. Examples of market leaders using MRT™ include: